You can upload images:

  • via FTP or
  • via Media Manager (Site » Media Manager) or other File Manager
  • via Phoca Gallery ( [New] or [Multiple Add] in Components » Phoca Gallery » Images ) - Single File Upload, Flash Upload, Java Upload
  • in Frontend ( User Upload) ) - with help of Single File Upload, Java Upload.

You need to upload images into the images/phocagallery directory in your server. Phoca Gallery will automatically create thumbnails of these images when you add them to a category.

Ideally, put your photos into separate folders within images/phocagallery. e.g. images/phocagallery/holidays, because adding images to different categories will be easier then.

There can be problems with image names (folder names) on some servers. Before you upload your images into a server, please check the image names (folder names). They shouldn't contain spaces or some bad characters (', ", #, ...), diacritics or special national characters.

  alt alt
Image (File Name) Image name.jpg Image-name.jpg
ImageName.jpg Image-name.jpg
  Image's name.jpg Image-s-name.jpg
  Изображение.jpg Izobrazhenie.jpg
Folder (Folder Name) New folder New-folder
  Name's folder Name-s-folder
Uploading images in Phoca Gallery

In New: Go to Components » Phoca Gallery » Images  » [New] and press the [image] button besides filename.
In Multiple Add: Go to Components » Phoca Gallery » Images  » [Multiple Add]

You'll get a screen with 3 boxes. In the first box you see a screen with the files and folders present on you server in images/phocagallery. If you want to upload the image to an existing folder, click on that folder. If you want to upload the image to a new folder, go to the 'folder' box and type the folder name and press [create folder].
Next go to upload files, press [browse], select the files you want to upload and press [start upload].

Now the images are uploaded to your server, but they aren't added to a category yet. See next chapter 'Adding images'.