Phoca Guestbook Component

Phoca Guestbook (Joomla! 3)

Phoca Guestbook FTP Installation File:

Download this file if you need to install Phoca Guestbook via FTP, see Installation Problem Solving article to get more information.

Phoca Guestbook FTP Installation File

Phoca Guestbook Languages

The latest translation versions of the following languages can be found on the translators' websites:

Bulgarian (Български)
Chinese J17 (Simplified Chinese)
Chinese (Simplified Chinese)
Chinese J17 (Traditional Chinese)
Chinese (Traditional Chinese)
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Phoca Download - Latest Files

French (français) (J5)
Phoca Premiere Template (J5)
Phoca Cart Beta (Test version)
Theme Standard (Joomla 5)
Brazilian (Portuguese) (J5)
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