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Class PhocaDownloadRoute - list of methods

Content Component Route Helper
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
License: GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or other free or open source software licenses. See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
Located at: Phocadownload/path/route.php
Project: Phoca Download

Method Summary

public static

Show source code of this method: getCategoriesRoute Source Code

public static
(mixed $catid, mixed $catidAlias = '')

Show source code of this method: getCategoryRoute Source Code

public static
(mixed $tagId)

Show source code of this method: getCategoryRouteByTag Source Code

public static
(mixed $id, mixed $catid = 0, mixed $idAlias = '', mixed $catidAlias = '', mixed $sectionid = 0, mixed $type = 'file', mixed $suffix = '')

Show source code of this method: getFileRoute Source Code

public static
(mixed $id, mixed $catid, mixed $token, mixed $directDownload = 1)

Show source code of this method: getDownloadRoute Source Code

public static
(mixed $id, mixed $catid = 0, mixed $sectionid = 0, mixed $type = 'rss')

Show source code of this method: getFeedRoute Source Code

public static
(mixed $id, mixed $title)

Show source code of this method: getGuestbookRoute Source Code

protected static
(mixed $needles, mixed $notCheckId = 0, mixed $component = 'com_phocadownload')

Show source code of this method: _findItem Source Code

Tags Summary
