Responsive, Mobile, Div Based (Table-less) Layout

Phoca Restaurant Menu - restaurant menu manager
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Responsive, Mobile, Div Based (Table-less) Layout

Post by quadbsys »

Are there any plans in soon-to-come future versions to create a non-table based layout for PhocaRestaurant Menu Pro? We love, love, LOVE this component but it is not looking as awesome as it could be due to some layout issues caused by the tables.

For example, we have never had a client that has images of EVERY item on their menu. But if they put one image, then that column opens up and forces all the other items to be indented in that section. Same with multiple prices, etc. It would be better if everything was DIVs so that if there wasn't an image, the title would slide over to the left rather than be indented.

There are numerous other layout quirks we have encountered but the non-collapsing of empty columns on a per row basis is the main item. We were just wondering as I'm sure there must be others who are wondering too if are there any plans to implement a better output in future versions to better support newer standards and mobile devices?

We love the plugin please keep up the great work. Have a wonderful day!
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Re: Responsive, Mobile, Div Based (Table-less) Layout

Post by Jan »

Hi, this is really diffucult problem. Of course I have tested with Divs (now you can see e.g. the rss which can be sent to facebook is made by divs) but the problem, the design was destroyed on different screen sizes.

Tables are not old standard, there is no newer standard - tables are still tables - html feature which is not obsolete, which is still valid and a lot of experienced webdesigners will say you, there is no better html tag if we are speaking about rendering. Tables are rendered the same way on differenty screens, screen sizes. There is no other tag which is rendered correctly on different screen sizes on different browsers (new, obsolete, ...).

A lot of people confuse table with table design.

USING TABLES is correct

Tables are there to display table data not to make design. In Phoca Restaurant we use table data, so tables are used, table is standard tag of course supported by newest design methods, just see Bootstrap:

I am not here to say, everything must be stored in table, I understand the new design responsive techniques, etc. The problem why the divs were not added to Phoca Restaurant menu yet is it does not have such standard and stable outcomes as table have.

I will add the divs in some of the next version (but only as experimental method) because using divs ends (in some cases: non standard browsers, obsolete browsers, some sreen sizes, etc) with destroyed layout.

In Phoca Restuarant there are e.g. 30 rows and 6 columns - typical table data - I speak only about HTML, not about PDF or Multiple Edit where NOT using tables will make a design disaster :-(

So yes, this is still under review and it is very easy to set divs instead tables (tr, td) but why it was not added yet, it has more design errors then using tables (even in bootstrap or other responsive designs :-( ) and we still speaking about design, not about the content which is in case of using divs and repsonsive design completely useless as items which should be displayed next to each other to make logical unit are not displayed together :-(

Believe me, I still think about it but I still have experiences where e.g. table solution was so easy (in fact html tags) and using divs ended with disaster (making columns float, making the same spaces between columns, making css exceptions, conflict with template css, not supporting obsolete browsers, differnt screens, etc., etc.) :-(

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Re: Responsive, Mobile, Div Based (Table-less) Layout

Post by quadbsys »

Hello Jan, thank you for the in-depth explanation. I hope that my post did not come across as offensive but only inquisitive. I understand that divs do not always show properly in old browsers. I think there is a necessary to move on at some point and say that those old browsers should be upgraded as there are many free alternatives that can used instead. However, this is just our opinion and the way we handle these situations so I realize it may not be everyone's view.

We will look forward to the tableless experimental build, but greatly appreciate the explanation and reasoning behind using tables in the code. We love and appreciate all your hard work on the component! Have a wonderful day!
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Re: Responsive, Mobile, Div Based (Table-less) Layout

Post by Jan »

Added new parameter for this feature: ... 1-released

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