How to get the edit buttons in frontend

Phoca Gallery - image gallery extension
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How to get the edit buttons in frontend

Post by caro23 »

Hello all,

so this is my 5th installation of Phoca Gallery, however, I cannot find the option for enabling the frontend edit buttons...
I'm logged in as a super user and I still can't see the edit buttons. What else do I have to set?
v3.2.3 on Joomla 2.5.8

Thanks in advance!
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Re: How to get the edit buttons in frontend

Post by caro23 »

OK, I've already found the solution: I have to set the "delete" right for the category. Even for Super Users, which IMHO does not make much sense...
Additionally, I cannot understand why I can't set the privileges to a specific group, but only to single users?
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Re: How to get the edit buttons in frontend

Post by Jan »

Hi, super user in frontend is taken as normal user - there is no administration feature in frontend so every user can do things where he/she has rights to do.

Rights (privileges) for specific group - from the feedback of Joomla! users you mostly get information that in Joomla! there are so much rights so it is very confusing (menu link rights, category rights, module rights, etc. etc.) so the decision was to set rights as little as possible and mostly albums are managed by single users - so the rights were selected for single users not for whole groups. Yes it is not the best solution and I wanted to change it but still get more problems than goods:

- to mix groups and user permissions (so much permission which can be confusing and can be in conflicts and can take a lot of memory to check different permission)
- to have only group permissions (easy to set up but then if someone (most of users) use the gallery for users and users have own albums then for every user new group needs to be created - if someone has e.g. 1000 users registered on the site, then it means 1000 groups becasue of the permissions - so this is in fact not possible
- to have only user permission - yes you are missing the groups permissions but you have no such problem mentioned above (from the feedback I have the information, that user permissions are used FOR GALLERY cca in 90% of all the cases :-( )

So really hard to make changes there :-( Of course if there will be some solution which will have no so many negative possible impacts, I will implement it

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