[Feature Request] 5 features requested for Phoca Gallery

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[Feature Request] 5 features requested for Phoca Gallery

Post by rahulngupta »


I am looking for 5 features for the phoca gallery

- I would like the user to be able to upload his picture and a small description about himself when he is able to create his category. The same picture and description should be shown when others are browsing a category (probably in a separte tab beside the ratings and comments tab)

- In the category list view it would be great to have a feature where the user is able to sort categories based on latest added, most rated etc.

- While the latest category module exists for phoca, is it possible to have a latest image upload module where the most recent uploaded pics are displayed.

- While adding a picture is it possible to give tags to the pictures added. These tags can be displayed on the front page and the user can browse pictures in the tags he wishes. Something like the tags for articles

- Integration of Phoca with Community builder would be great if done.

I look forward to responses for any guidance on the above features. I see that the developers for phoca are hard pressed on time, but it will be very kind of them to help me around these issues

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Re: [Feature Request] 5 features requested for Phoca Gallery

Post by Jan »


1) added into the feature request list
2) is in feature request list
3) this module exists on my localhost, still didn't find time for complete and release it :-(
4) Tags - this feature is in f.r.l.
5) is in f.r.l.

Thank you for you ideas, Jan
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Re: [Feature Request] 5 features requested for Phoca Gallery

Post by rahulngupta »

Thank you Jan for the time you give to Phoca.. Wish to tell you that you have developed some really awesome piece of code.. have started a site.. if we start making money would come back to donate to the project..
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Re: [Feature Request] 5 features requested for Phoca Gallery

Post by Jan »

Great, thank you. Jan
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