Gotcha with Phoca and Simple Image Gallery installed at once

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Gotcha with Phoca and Simple Image Gallery installed at once

Post by coolgrafix »

This may be a commonly known issue, but I didn't come across it in the forums so thought I'd mention it. I was toying around with a number of gallery tools today, one of which was Simple Image Gallery Plugin from JoomlaWorks. I decided it wasn't going to work for my needs and moved on to Phoca. I was seeing some strange behavior and stuff obviously wasn't working right, when I noticed an mootools-based Javascript errors on page loads that had gallery calls. Simple Image Gallery and Phoca both use brackets to call their plugins, so it eventually occured to me to disable Simple Image Gallery, and voila, no more mootools errors, and Phoca worked as predicted. Imagine my surprise when I saw Highslide for the first time, compared to it's broken lame counterpart (a blank window spawn). Much happier.

Just sharing. =)

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Re: Gotcha with Phoca and Simple Image Gallery installed at once

Post by Jan »

Hi, yes modal box is a part of Joomla! framework, so there can occur some conflict if more components are using the same library, see my post on forum:

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