Open Graph plugins don't insert og tags in HTML source

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Open Graph plugins don't insert og tags in HTML source

Post by samden »

Hello, first of all thanks for providing us these free plugins!.. I am new in Joomla CMS, so maybe my problem would be easy to solve
I have my localhost web site which I moved to a live server (hosting) a few days ago. After that I enable an SSL certificate for the whole site, enforce HTTPS, enable URL rewritting (in Joomla global configuration) and rename the htaccess.txt in my live server, also change some metadata in articles and menues items to improve SEO.
Before installing phoca open graph plugins (both content and system) in my live server, I tried first installing in my localhost server.. It worked well in my localhost (At least adding the respective og metatags), so I did the same in my live server, but i didn't work there :-(. i checked the source view in my live home page, and the plugin had added 4 empty lines in the HTML head instead the og tags. (and more empty lines below).. and added 9 empty lines in articles.. What was wrong?..The plugins configurations tabs are the same in localhost and live server.. if you want to check in alsurmalargue . com
Thanks in advance for your reply! Adriana
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Re: Open Graph plugins don't insert og tags in HTML source

Post by Jan »

Hi, do you use some cache feature, maybe this is caused by cache issues on your site. :idea:

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