Regular expressions support

Phoca SEF - redirect extension for Joomla! CMS
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Regular expressions support

Post by babicka_baba »

since I needed it I have extended the Phoca SEF component with regular expressions support... This is the first version currently being tested and deployed on my site, however it should contain all important things except for help and install/upgrade script. Attached is a zip file containing the modified files (if needed I could send some kind of diff or whatever). The modifications to the original scripts are small and very straightforward and commented when needed so I hope no further explanation is needed.
One DB modification needs to be done manually

Code: Select all

ALTER TABLE `jos_phocasef_url` ADD `use_regexp` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
(replace "jos_" with whatever your db prefix is)

Hope it helps someone or that it will be added to future versions of Phoca Sef. If it is to be added I guess I could write the install/upgrade script as well, but it probably won't be any time soon.

There is some error in uploading the file (Could not upload attachment to ./files/10130_f5d7d398b5e737ce034ea9123cfd3533.) so you will find the package at


//EDIT: There was a bug in tracking of number of hits for the error page, the content under the link has been modified to fix this
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Re: Regular expressions support

Post by Jan »

Hi Babičko,

thank you for the improvement. Will be great if you can make the installation script complete, if not I will try to do it (but because of time issues no idea where I find time to do it)

anyway, thank your for the file.

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