Attribute Price with Advanced Stock Option

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Re: Attribute Price with Advanced Stock Option

Post by keep2000 »

but it won't show the product price in the dropdown only the difference.
For example:
small +0€
medium +10€
large +20€

Instead of this, I'd like to see the price where the operation is already processed.

small 20€
medium 30€
large 40€

Or what about a third operator as the easiest version? We have + and -, so we could have = where you set the price directly. It might be easy to implement.


"If you have prices in excel it is easy operation"
I'm not sure why I should bother with calculations when I already have the exact price of the variation. For me, it's a useless step that makes the shop manager's work more difficult, with much more possibility of errors, and the relative price version is more confusing.
The example above is too easy with the round numbers :)
Let's assume there is a product that has a wide range of variations. For example, a UTP cable. You can buy some pre-defined lengths (but as I said, I have a shop where are >1000 variations per product).

The base price is e.g., 2.42€:

0.1m -1.37€
0.25m -0.93€
0.5m -0.68€
1m - this is the base
1.5m +0.54€
2m +1.19€
5m +4.33€

So the visitor should calculate in his head or click on every variation to find out the final price.

Instead of this, it's more clear for me to have this:

0.1m - 1.05€
0.25m - 1.49€
0.5m - 1.74€
1m - 2.42€
1.5m - 2.96€
2m - 3.61€
5m - 6.75€

I can see all of the final prices at a glance.
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Re: Attribute Price with Advanced Stock Option

Post by mino182 »

I know what you mean, but as you know there is only +- and feature request list is incredibly long... That's why calculations...
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Re: Attribute Price with Advanced Stock Option

Post by Jan »

Hi, there is only + - because the final price can be changed by many different parameters at once and then the price for each attribute will be just not true.

In select box, you can see the + - , when you select the price, the final price is dynamically changed und updated.


As written above, there is no problem to display exact price in select box, but the problem is, in fact this will be not right price in case, more attributes are selected.

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