Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

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Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by adm »

Joomla! 5.0.2 Stable [ Kuboresha ] 9-January-2024 16:00 GMT
Phoca Cart 5.0.0Beta22

Settings in Phoca Cart Configuration -> Tab "Display" -> header: "Item View (Product View)":
Next/Previous Title: Yes (Excluding product name)

Only ONE button is displayed, which refers in my case to the first product of the last page. The "previous product" button is not displayed. The settind under "Category and Items View (Products View)" -> Product Ordering has no effect. When I click the "forward" button, always come to the same product. If I click on the "previous" button from this product and then click on "next" button and again on "previous" button, is displayed every time another product, but not the correct previous one.
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Re: Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by Jan »

Hi, testing now, everything is OK for me, the first product has only next button, then all other both buttons :idea:




When you set the ordering to "ordering ascending", do you get the same result :idea:

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Re: Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by adm »

The "Product Ordering" was already set to "Name Ascending". All products are in sub-categories.
catA --> no product
catA - subCatA1 -> products assigned
catA - subCatA1 - subSubCatA1a -> products assigned
catA - subCatA2 -> products assigned

If you choose the first product of catA in frontend the next button is displayed but refers in my cast to the first product on page 10 (5 products on any page). Products 2-5 on the first result page, reference is always made to the first product of page 10. (only a foward button; no backward)

Assignment of products to categories shown on the first result page:
1. product:
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:piano
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:accordion

2. product:
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:piano
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:accordion

3. product:
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:piano
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:accordion

4. product:
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:piano
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:wind_instruments - subSub:brass_music

5. product:
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:full_score
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:piano
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:string_orchestra

first product on page 10:
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:key_instruments - subSub:piano
cat:SheetMusic - subCat:string_instruments - subSub:violine

I hope this list helps something!
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Re: Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by Jan »

Hi, unfortunately from this list I don't get information about which products are in the same category, etc. etc. I am now testing it with different subcategories, etc. Even changing the ordering but I still get the same results. :idea:

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Re: Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by Jan »


the items in item view are not ordered by the ordering which is set in "items" or "category" view, but in ordering which is set in administration (each category has own ordering of products, e.g. product can be stored in more categories and in each it has own ordering"). Visitors on the webpage can come e.g. from search website directly to the product and there you have no connection to "items" or "categories" view where users can change the ordering of items by themselves. This is why the ordering in item view (for previous and next items) is set by the ordering set in options.

If you change the ordering in "items" or "category" view, to "order by ordering" (now is "name aufsteigend"), is then the ordering in item view correct?

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Re: Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by adm »

I tried some settings and don't find the mistake.
Categories - Edit - Field Ordering:
I noticed that something in the ordering category cannot be right.
When you open the pull-down menu (Field Ordering), the categories are displayed in disorder. You cannot see which category is a subcategory. Does this order have an impact on the next / previous buttons?
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Re: Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by Jan »

Hi, the ordering happens in product list, there each category needs to be selected and then the items can be ordered.

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Re: Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by adm »

I've tried to order the products of one category.
Menu Products -> Filter Options: a specific category -> Ordering ascending
I ordered the products in the backend and they are now displayed correct. But if you leave the "search filed" empty and click on the search button (filter: same category; ordering ascending) they are not longer in this order. The field "ordering" in table "__phocacart_products" and "__phocacart_product_categories" isn't updated, when changing the order of products. Most products have in the fields "ordering" 0 (zero) in both tables. Also i've found a problem in the backend "Menu Categories -> ordering by ID ascending": sort doesn't work - wrong order.
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Re: Item View (Product View) - Next/Previous Title - Buttons in the product display do not work properly

Post by Jan »

Hi, this is because products can be stored in more categories, so for each category, they have specific ordering, they have different ordering for Category A or Category B.

Which do you use now? I am testing it and everything is OK in table #__phocacart_product_categories:



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