Feature request - route based delivery

Phoca Cart - complex e-commerce extension
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Feature request - route based delivery

Post by jpeters »

nice to have a option to define delivery routes. currently i have a webshop build for someone and the deliver on routes.
the routes schedule i have defined in component jEvents and the website shows the upcoming routes.
the routes are based on a weekly of bi-weekly schedule and the description tells what city's are in that delivery route.
it would be nice to have a delivery route option in Phoca Cart.

customer can select route and date.
route defined at shop, example.
define per route mode (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, custom)
define per route orders (min orders, max orders, total weight, total volume, unlimited)

every monday route
- city a, city b, city c, city d
- min 5 and max 100 orders (also multiple orders from same customer)
- min 10kg and max 500kg
- min 1 m2 max 500m2
-min 3 address max 50 addresses
every bi-weekly thusday route
-zipcoderange: 1000AA - 1200BB & 2000AA - 2500TJ
- min 5 and max 100 orders (also multiple orders from same customer)
- min 10kg and max 500kg
- min 1 m2 max 500m2
-min 3 address max 50 addresses
every wednesday route
- city i, city j, city k, city l
every thursday route
- city m, city n, city o, city p
every friday route
- city q, city r, city s, city t

define amount of orders, products, size, weight for every route.
if route is full with orders then automaticly the next route date is available.

user story:
shop owner has own delivery routes defined (scheduled every other week) based on range (city, zipcode, etc).
when customer orders products to deliver, give select route option and show the available routes and date's.
the available routes are shown with routename, and delivery dates of that route.

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Re: Feature request - route based delivery

Post by Jan »

Hi, added to feature request list:
If you find Phoca extensions useful, please support the project
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