template changing by override template.css fails

Phoca Templates - templates for Joomla! CMS
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template changing by override template.css fails

Post by jarodv »


i want to customize the great phoca template, but i have a problem.

if i change some options in the /templates/phoca_t/css/template.css
i see the changes immediately.

but if i do the same with
/templates/phoca_t/html/css/template.css or
i see nothing happens.

whats my failure? saved the override into the wrong folder?
wrong file name?

thx for help

greetz jarod
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Re: template changing by override template.css fails

Post by christine »

Hi jarodv,

/templates/phoca_t/html/..... belongs to template override - not for CSS.

template overrides example: https://docs.joomla.org/How_to_override ... omla!_core, that means: for .php files.

BTW: Phoca T is a J 2.5 template. See also here: https://www.phoca.cz/joomla-templates

CSS changes/additions etc. you can do in your template.css.

Kind regards, Christine
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Re: template changing by override template.css fails

Post by jarodv »

ok fine, this works. thank u very much :)
but does not eventually the template.css will be overwritten in case of an update, maybe?
or just php files will be overwritten?

maybe u can tell me.. how can i move the top menu of the phoca template more in drection of top of the page?
also inside the template.css?

i just use phoca template 2.5 for a simple site with a gallery, filled from google photos.
so .. is there need to use an joomla 3 template? does i have some disadvantages from using 2.5 template?

thx :)
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Re: template changing by override template.css fails

Post by christine »

Hi jarod,
jarodv wrote: but does not eventually the template.css will be overwritten in case of an update, maybe? or just php files will be overwritten?
Yes, some parameters etc. could be overwritten - if there is an Core update. BUT: This belongs (generally) to Core Standard-templates.
E.g. Protostar & Beez. In this case, a User will make a copy of standard template (re-named) to avoid overwrite actions after Core update.
maybe u can tell me.. how can i move the top menu of the phoca template more in drection of top of the page?
I checked the demo of Phoca T template. It shows e.g.: #ptm-nav {formatting ...} in: topmenu.css/Line 145 (top:115px;) This could be changed.
i just use phoca template 2.5 for a simple site with a gallery, filled from google photos. so .. is there need to use an joomla 3 template? does i have some disadvantages from using 2.5 template?
Which Joomla version & PG version are you using?

Phoca T template is not responsive etc. If you (I hope so) are working with current latest Joomla/PG versions, you "could" change CSS parameters as you like. But why? It's not so easy, because several functions, parameters, security fixes, PG options etc. etc. has been changed since Joomla 3.

Kind regards, Christine
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