Phoca Gallery Category Comments not responsive

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Phoca Gallery Category Comments not responsive

Post by webmaestro »

Internal Comments method at Category level only (no image comments) and ... n-location

when the above link is viewed on a mobile phone the actual typed-in comment isn't displayed responsively. The Comment Box, the title, etc. is great, its just the actual comment which doesn't wrap.
I'd like to change my comment above! I've just edited the comment in the Phoca Gallery Back End under Category Comments, highlighted the text of the comment and clicked on the "Remove Formatting" function in JCE Editor, saved the comment and now the text wraps perfectly!

Did I do something wrong when entering the comment via the Front End?
I don't think so, as I've just done another test and the entered comment text does not wrap correctly within the Comment Box. But when I edit the comment text in Joomla Back End and save it, the text now wraps correctly.

Strange - it's just formatted as a paragraph "<p> .... </p>"
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Re: Phoca Gallery Category Comments not responsive

Post by christine »


hv tried on a test-site & following code was successful (custom.css):

Code: Select all

#phocagallery-comments p {
width:100% !important;	
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Re: Phoca Gallery Category Comments not responsive

Post by webmaestro »

Definitely works on my browser but still not on my mobile phone, I'm afraid!
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Re: Phoca Gallery Category Comments not responsive

Post by webmaestro »

I need to qualify my reply above after some more checking. The responsive display doesn't work in Opera on my PC but does work in Google Chrome and MS Edge. On my Android Mobile it works in Google Chrome (again) but not Samsung Internet Browser!

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Phoca Gallery Category Comments not responsive

Post by Jan »

Hi, which Opera browser do you use? Opera and Google Chrome use the same browser engine (chromium) so they should display the output identically :idea:

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Re: Phoca Gallery Category Comments not responsive

Post by webmaestro »

Strange. The Opera "About" page does say its based on Chrome Open Source Project. The pasted text below is what also appears on its "About" page. I could look at reporting it to them as a bug.

Actually, I've just cleared all browsing data in terms of cached images and files and "what do you know!" the comment now wraps correctly. :o

Opera is up to date
Update stream:Stable
System:Windows 10 64-bit
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Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36 OPR/64.0.3417.54
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Re: Phoca Gallery Category Comments not responsive

Post by Jan »

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