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Hello everybody...

Posted: 19 Dec 2007, 02:51
by arcane18
Hello everybody...

I install Phoca Galery tonight on a 1.5 joomla without any other componant.

The install seems ok.

I can upload photos, chose them and use categories inside the Phoca directory (All seems ok)

I can put the phoca galery in the main menu (all semms ok)

BUT, when I use the menu, I got a 404 page error...

Any ideas (I'm a total beginer, I install Joomla 2 days ago, with no major problems and it works well...)


Hi, did you select t

Posted: 19 Dec 2007, 11:04
by Jan
Hi, did you select the Phoca Gallery category in Menu Manager?

Menu Manager --> Menus - Main Menu - New - Phoca Gallery - Phoca Gallery Category Layout - Parameters Basic - Select category ...


Thanks for your answ

Posted: 19 Dec 2007, 11:59
by arcane18
Thanks for your answer ! ha ha... Here is the problem...

Ok for Menus - Main Menu - New - Phoca Gallery but here I don't see any Phoca gallery Category Layout... I can just tell him the name of the menu and where I want to get it.... Strange thing, on the right, the Parameters Basic is Empty (Nothing at all)... The two other tabs (Parameter component and Parameters system semms ok...)

Any Ideas ? (It's totaly possible I don't do an evident thing cause It's my first use of Joomla...)

For info, In the Composant Menu, I have a phoca gallery with two choice, gallery where I find the 2 images I upload and categories where i find the categorie I created

Great, we can try it

Posted: 19 Dec 2007, 13:21
by Jan
Great, we can try it one more time ...

Go to

- Menus
- Main Menu
- New (green icon)

Now we are in Menu item [new] and you should see a list of links (Select Menu Item Type)
Go to
- Internal link - Phoca Gallery - Click on Phoca Gallery and you get:

# All Categories
* Phoca Gallery Category List Layout

# Category
* Phoca Gallery Category Layout

Click on Phoca Gallery Category Layout. Now you are in Menu Item [new] - Phoca Gallery Category Layout. On the right side, there is a Parameters- Basic box. There you should select the category (Select category)

Don't forget to save the changes, you have made...


No ! I understand ve

Posted: 19 Dec 2007, 14:28
by arcane18
No ! I understand very well what you mean cause I have theses menus in other choices like "articles" but not with Phoca Gallery (I don't have a little "+" before phocag Gallery like before other choices where I get other choices when I click...

hmmm.... this is a p

Posted: 19 Dec 2007, 14:49
by Jan
hmmm.... this is a problem...

Which version of Joomla! 1.5 do you have installed?
Try to reinstall Phoca Gallery, maybe some XML file is missed ???


GREAT !!!! It works

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 00:43
by arcane18
GREAT !!!! It works !!!

I reinstall, nothing different from the first time but now it rocks !!!!

Thanks a lot for your help !!! Nice job !!!!

Marc from the French Riviera

PS : my joomla is the 1.5 rc3

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 12:06
by Jan