Field 'urls' doesn't have a default value

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Field 'urls' doesn't have a default value

Post by woodyf4u »

I would like to use some new markers.
I get this message every time I save:
Field 'urls' doesn't have a default value
So I executed the following SQL rules in phpMyAdmin (Of course with the correct orefix), because I probably didn't do the migration from J3 to J4 properly.:
So the params needs to be changed, try to run this SQL command in your e.g. phpMyAdmin (change the prefix _jos to yours):

ALTER TABLE `jos_phocamaps_map` CHANGE `params` `params` text;
ALTER TABLE `jos_phocamaps_marker` CHANGE `params` `params` text;
ALTER TABLE `jos_phocamaps_icon` CHANGE `params` `params` text;
Could there be another reason why saving is not successful?

Should the new icon be found on an external URL or can it also be a png file in the Images folder?
And does something always have to be entered in the "Icon shape Object" field?

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Re: Field 'urls' doesn't have a default value

Post by Jan »

Hi, I don't understand, you have a problem with column "urls" and you changed the "params" column. You need to check the "urls" field.

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Re: Field 'urls' doesn't have a default value

Post by woodyf4u »

You're right.
I apparently ended up in the wrong topic while looking for a solution.

If I want to create a new icon and for test I copy the URL of an existing icon, it doesn't work..
I then get that error message too.

I could not find any further explanation about the URLs for Google Maps icons in the documentation.

Can you tell me where I can find external icons and which URL I should use then?
And which URL could I use if, for example, I save an icon as a png in the images folder? Is itpossible to use a local icon in Phoca Maps?
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Re: Field 'urls' doesn't have a default value

Post by Jan »

Hi, as you can see on the examples listed in icons list, the url is absolute so you can use every URL you need (even on your own host).

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