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Sandwiches and cold dishes are missing from the menu selection

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 18:18
by max555
I buy Phoca Restaurant Menu Pro but Sandwiches and cold dishes are missing from the menu selection

Re: Sandwiches and cold dishes are missing from the menu selection

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 21:45
by Jan
Hi, what do you mean with Sandwiches or cold dishes?

Phoca Restaurant Menu includes 7 types of menus. All are different when rendering the output but they are not fixed menus, these are only types of menu. So you can just create Sandwiches or Cold Dishes menu in common menu type: Bill of Fare. You can create different lists there and then, in frontend:

- you can create a menu link to all lists of the Bill of Fare menu (Sandwiches, Cold Dishes, etc.) or you can create for each list own menu link.

It depends on your needs.
