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Error on Creation of Marker for OpenStreetMap

Posted: 22 Apr 2023, 14:55
by Dautrich
Recently, I've decided to switch my existing Google Maps to OpenStreetMaps in Phoca Maps, in spite of the missing satellite imaginery.
My site has a total of 10 maps, nine of them with one marker each. There was no issue with the maps itself.
Trouble started, when I tried to configure the markers for the OpenStreetMap Design Settings. After some time (and with the help of my browser's devtools), I ended up with this configuration:
  • Marker icon: arrow-down
  • Marker color: green
  • Icon Color: white
  • Icon Prefix: fa
  • Icon Spin: No
Applying these settings to my nine markers, everything was fine for seven of them. But two markers did not show the FontAweSome icon, even though the settings were completely identical to the others. I even had a look into the respective database table, but I couldn't find any difference between the markers.
I decided to delete the two faulty markers, only to rebuild them from scratch. When trying to save my new marker, I got an error message saying: "Field 'params' doesn't have a default value".

My Joomla version is 4.3.0, Phoca Maps Component is 4.0.1, Phoca Maps Plugin is 4.0.1.
Screenshots can be found here: ... q2SXpNYKBJ

Btw: I was not able to add screenshots to this post. Obviously Imgur has changed their website.

Re: Error on Creation of Marker for OpenStreetMap

Posted: 27 Apr 2023, 18:15
by Jan
Hi, can you enable debug mode when saving the marker. Do you get any addition info when debug mode is enabled?

Did you install fresh Joomla 4 version of Phoca Maps or did you upgrade from some Joomla 3 version? (When upgrading, and the column params is wrong, it needs to be fixed directly in database)


Re: Error on Creation of Marker for OpenStreetMap

Posted: 28 Apr 2023, 22:13
by Dautrich
Hi Jan,

I will enable debug mode and come back to you later this weekend.

I migrated my site from J3 to J4. I think I can take a SQL dump of the Phocamaps data base tables and store it in my cloud directory. Would that be helpful?


Re: Error on Creation of Marker for OpenStreetMap

Posted: 29 Apr 2023, 13:46
by Jan
The problem could be the way of upgrading, if this is used:

mostly new tables and columns are created. If another method is used, it can happen that some column could have obsolete format and then it needs to be changed manually in database.

In this case, e.g. column "params" in table markers needs to be reviewed, it should have following format:



Re: Error on Creation of Marker for OpenStreetMap

Posted: 29 Apr 2023, 14:20
by Dautrich
Hi Jan

Following your instruction, I used phpMyAdmin to set the default value for the "params" field to NULL in the three phocamaps data base tables. After that, I successfully created a new map and a new marker for the newly created map. Map and marker look as expected.

Therefore, the issue has been solved. You can close this issue.

Thx and regards


Re: Error on Creation of Marker for OpenStreetMap

Posted: 29 Apr 2023, 14:30
by Jan
Hi, great to hear it.
