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After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 11 Jul 2021, 10:18
by Cliffdiver
Hallo Jan,
I try to fix two problems.
First the important one. If a payment with paypal is successful, the orderstatus stays on pending. The infoscreen and mails are correct and say that everything went fine. Also the money is transferred from one paypal account to the other one. Only the status doesn't change.

Second: On Checkout I don't get redirected to PayPal. Only when I push the button "Click to get to PayPal" then it works.

I tested the above problems in Firefox, InternetExplorer, Chrome and Safari on different Systems (Apple, Windows). Also friends of mine tested it, and they all had the same issue.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 18:02
by Cliffdiver
I solved the problem with the redirect to paypal, but I can't find any hint, why the order status doesn't change after a successful payment with paypal.
I installed everything new, tested it without any overrides and it still doesn't work.
In the phoca logs I only find the lines "Sending Form to PayPal" but nohthing else. No Error, no nothing.
Also the server logs don't show any error.

I use the latest versions of joomla, phoca and so on.
PHP Version 7.4.

Any advice would be helpfull.

Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 16 Jul 2021, 16:52
by Jan
Hi, when there is no log in Phoca Log, this seems like the PayPal server didn't contact your server. Is your server accessible? Did you try to find some more info about the payment on PayPal (some log, or some information). Did you try to test it with or without verifying SSL certificate?



Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 20 Jul 2021, 11:46
by Cliffdiver
Hi Jan, I tried many things. With SSL and without SSL, with IPN and without IPN (paypal configuration), with automatic redirect from paypal to my website and so on.
All in all I don't get any confirmation from paypal to my website. Do I have to wait for the confirmation some minutes or is it immediate?
Do I need a special configuration in the htaccess file to allow the communication with my server?

Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 20 Jul 2021, 11:53
by Cliffdiver
The only thing which is a little bit confusing is, that the time of the log files is 2 hours in the past.
If I order at 12am, the log file is 10 am.

Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 21 Jul 2021, 08:52
by Cliffdiver
Good morning,

now I've fixed the last problem and I'm a bit shy to say the solution because it's an admission to my stupidity :-)
Never forget, that you protected your website durign development with an htaccess password and let your browser automatic login. This prevents paypal to comunicate with your website by throwing back an 401 error, which means "Unauthorised access". By disabling the password protection in the htaccess file, everything goes smooth.

The problem with the redirect to payal was also simple... in the end everything is simple :-)
The last post of this forum question, explains the solution viewtopic.php?f=44&t=62219&start=10

Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 23 Jul 2021, 15:09
by Jan
Hi, thank you very much for this info, yes, this is very important info, I will write this notice to documentation.

Thank you, Jan

Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 05 Jun 2023, 23:38
by mino182
Ahoj, mám rovnaký problém s paypalom, ale s tým, že v sandboxe funguje všetko skvele, IPN funguje, stav objednávky sa mení... Ale keď použijem live účet, platba síce prebehne vporiadku, ale IPN nepríde. V "IPN history" v paypale má tá správa status "Retrying" a nieje pri nej HTTP response code, ktorý bol pri sandbox správach "200". A časom narastá "No. of retries" ale Phoca Cart o ničom nevie, nič v logu... Skúšal som všetko možné, aj meniť host ( a ako to má paypal v dokumentácii a stále sandbox funguje a live konto nie... Máte prosím niekto nejakú radu? Už som z toho paypalu zúfalý. Díky

Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 05 Jun 2023, 23:56
by Jan
Ahoj, a na support PayPalu jsi psal? Zkoušel jsi vypnout SSL verzi na v nastavení?

Re: After PayPal orderstatus stays on pending

Posted: 06 Jun 2023, 00:45
by mino182
Ak myslis "verify ssl certificate" tak to mam vypnute, lebo s tym mi nefungoval sandbox. Live som to teda ani neskusal zapnute... Na support som nepisal, skusim zajtra...