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Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 12 May 2021, 08:57
by jackprince
Hello community,

I face the following problem.
I'd like to have a slideshow either as/in a module or plugin.

But failed to accomplish the following:
  • responsive (so full width on desktop, no heavy cropping on mobile view)
  • no links (tried bxslider which always had a ">" on the image and a link around the images)
  • no extra whitespace on the images when on mobile view (which likely will be fixed by making sure all the images are the same size)
From the top of my head I think of something like using the images as background on an element and stretching them via "cover".
I did not work with Phoca Gallery for a while so please excuse if I fail to find the obvious.

Is there a way to create a custom template for either a plugin or module to use?

Any help or suggestion is appreciated.

Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 12 May 2021, 16:58
by Jan
Hi, try to see this module:
It is not related to Phoca Gallery only, you can select image you need, but it is responsive and includes a lot of different features needed in slideshows.


Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 17 May 2021, 15:54
by topcat
Wow. That fit what I needed extremely well. Is there any such solution for the slideshows in the article? Thank you so much. It looks wonderful in my phone. If there is any additional concerns or warnings, I would love to be told or pointed to sources where I could be informed about them. 8)

Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 17 May 2021, 17:08
by Jan
Hi, modules can be loaded in article with load position plugin.


Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 14 Jun 2021, 14:36
by jackprince
Thanks for the response Jan.
Will test this out. As I encountered the next issue with the plugin. Which is that the z positioning was somehow always over a menu.
Tried to change the z-index values for the menu accordingly. But somehow the plugin still was over the menu.

Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 15 Jun 2021, 14:24
by Jan
Yes, unfortunately, regarding z-index, it needs to be properly checked, which part on the website has the larget z-index value (this is common problem when a system is built by many different parts made by different developers) :idea:


Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 25 Jun 2021, 05:22
by apnipasand_
ich sitze gerade vor der Überarbeitung einer Schulhomepage. Bisher haben wir PhocaGallery (inkl. Slideshow Plugin) genutzt, um die zahlreichen Bilder einzelner Beiträge übersichtlich anzeigen zu lassen.

Für die neue Homepoage war aus Gründen der Kompatibilität mit mobilen Endgeräten ein neues System notwendig geworden. Wir entschieden uns für das Template Felx von themeforest bzw. Aplikko, in dem der SP Page Builder integriert ist.

Alle darin enthaltenen Bilder-Addons enthalten nicht das, was wir wollen und bisher hatten:

- schnelle Integration eines Bildordners

- selbstständige Thumbnailerstellung und Nutzung

- ohne notwendige Erstellung eines Moduls pro Slideshow

- Responsiv (hatten wir vorher nicht!)

Ich habe JoomSpirit Slider, SP Easy Image Gallery und Slidesow CK ausprobiert. Keines dieser Komponenten erfüllte alles, was ich oben angeführt habe.

Nun zu meinen Fragen:

1.) Gibt es eine Erweiterung, die die Anforderungen erfüllt?

2.) Kann man Phoca Gallery Slideshow responsiv einstellen?

3.) Kann man Phoica Gallery Slideshow als Addon-on in den SP Page Builder integrieren?

4.) Kann man die Module wie in einem Ordnersystem kategorisieren?

Viuelen Dank für eure Zeit! For more:

Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 15:31
by Jan

wenn es um Phoca Gallery und Responsivität geht, siehe:

2) Siehe dieses Module: - dies ist nicht nur Phoca Gallery Module, sonder es arbeitet mit jeweiligen Bilder - ist responsiv und hat viele verschiedenen Einstellungen

3) Leider kenne ich so eine Lösung nicht

4) Verstehe ich nicht, welche Module meinst du? Was für ein Ordersystem meinst du?


Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 28 Jun 2021, 14:30
by topcat
Everything works will with carousel slider. I have just one concern. Is it possible to use 100% for height and width instead of the pixel count? I'd like for the slideshow to resize in mobile precisely as the fit is in desktop. Is that possible?

Re: Responsive Slideshow

Posted: 28 Jun 2021, 15:23
by Jan
Hi, you can do it with two parameters:


Height: you can uses values like 100vh (100% height)
or the parameter "fill rest of the page"
