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Marker Info Window Dimension

Posted: 15 Mar 2017, 16:08
by elektrofreitag
I´d like to Change the dimensions of the phoca maps info window. Where can I insert a bigger width..? If I Change the dimensions in the backend (component), there is more space but I still Need to scroll, because not the window itself gets bigger; only the Content area.

Anyone an ideo..?

Thanks in advance

Re: Marker Info Window Dimension

Posted: 15 Mar 2017, 16:33
by Benno
Du kannst doch für jeden einzelnen Marker in den allgemeinen Optionen des jeweiligen Markers die Inhaltshöhe und Breite individuell festlegen, oder habe ich Dich da irgendwie mißverstanden...

Freundliche Grüße,

Re: Marker Info Window Dimension

Posted: 15 Mar 2017, 16:46
by elektrofreitag
Hi, ja grundsätzlich schon. Aber da vergrößert sich nur der reine "Inhaltsbereich". Das Info-Fenster selber geht nur bis ca. 677px und erzeugt dann einen Scrollbalken in der horizontale.

Re: Marker Info Window Dimension

Posted: 16 Mar 2017, 15:06
by Jan
Hi, yes, you can size it with the content, etc. but the last word has the Google Maps API which then makes the size automatically to fit the size of the marker to the maps. The marker window is automatically resized and scrollbars are automatically added by the API.

But sometimes you can influence it. E.g. if you add an image into the marker window content without definition of the size (width, height) then the marker window does not know the size of the content and adds automatically the scrollbars. So when images are inside the marker, they should get the width and height attribute.



Re: Marker Info Window Dimension

Posted: 17 Mar 2017, 09:45
by elektrofreitag
Thank you so much!
Amazing answer :)

Re: Marker Info Window Dimension

Posted: 18 Mar 2017, 22:15
by Jan