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Gallery over more pages

Posted: 03 Jun 2015, 23:47
by ZacharyMurphy
Hello community,

I have created with the Phoca Gallery Image Module a gallery view. The module has been adjusted so that it displays all the images (on one site only). Now I want to click through the gallery, so that by one site for example 6 images are shown, and that you simply can go to next page to the next images. Is this possible in a gallery?

Regards Zach

Re: Gallery over more pages

Posted: 09 Jun 2015, 14:03
by ZacharyMurphy
Jan, are you there perhaps? Can you say, it is not possible, at least, I do not need to wait any longer... please.

Regards Zach

Re: Gallery over more pages

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 14:25
by Jan
Hi, sorry, I don't understand what you exactly mean with: "Phoca Gallery Image Module a gallery view" - Module displays images in module position, to display images with full features like pagination is, etc. just use the component :idea:


Re: Gallery over more pages

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 17:45
by ZacharyMurphy
Hey thanks for answer me.

I have a gallery (with module) on my website with 9 photos. I want to show only 6 photos with an option (scroll button to continue in the gallery) to the second page, where the other 3 are shown (the next 6 and so on).

Take a look:

Regards Zach

Re: Gallery over more pages

Posted: 15 Jun 2015, 19:21
by Jan
Hi, now I understand but I think, you need to customize the module directly for your needs as for now there is no such feature :-(
