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Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 29 Jul 2014, 13:14
by Spains
As you can see, I use the component PochaGallery for viewing videos on Youtube. I have a couple of questions for an optimal configuration of this section of my website that I can not solve alone.

- I could set each part (Live, Productions, etc.) in order of date? So that when I load the video, has a chronological order by date. In addition, the preview of the file may be set as here? TITLE + DATE preview in order to give reference to the user who surfs.

- I wish the files were centered in the column, which is the central one on the right.

- When you open the video I wish they were obvious things explained a moment ago. Date, title, and perhaps the social network for sharing. Also delete buttons (play, go forward or go back) because they are bad graphically, and leave only the X icon to close the window. As here: ... index.html

Thanks, I look forward exhaustive answers and I hope I can change these parameters

Come potete notare, uso il componente PochaGallery per la visualizzazione di video su Youtube. Avrei un paio di domande per un ottima configurazione di questa sezione del mio sito web che non riesco a risolvere da solo.

- Potrei settare ogni parte (Live, Productions ecc) per ordine di data? In modo che quando io carico il video, ha un ordine cronologico per data. Inoltre la preview del file potrebbe essere impostata come quì? TITOLO + DATA in modo da dare riferimento all'utente che naviga.

- Vorrei che i file fossero centrati nella colonna, sia quella centrale che quella di destra.

- Quando si apre il video vorrei che fossero evidente le cose illustrate pocanzi. Data, titolo e magari i social network per la condivisione. Inoltre eliminare i pulsanti (play, vai avanti o vai indietro) poichè sono pessimi graficamente, e lasciare solo l'icona X per la chiusura della finestra. Come quì: ... index.html

Grazie, attendo risposte esaustive e spero di poter modificare questi parametri

Re: Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 30 Jul 2014, 23:55
by Jan
Hi, see here: ... ry-youtube

depends on used popup method and used settings how the videos will be displayed - e.g. on the demo site there are no buttons

But to display some additional information, you need to use iframe method: ... al-advices (8)

And if you want that the videos will have "own page" and that they will have share buttons, etc., I think, you need to use no popup method :idea:


Re: Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 31 Jul 2014, 14:10
by Spains
Sorry, i have a confusion.

Have I a correct pocha gallery in my site? Or, for my work of video, i will download the pocha gallery youtube. Are different no? ... ry-youtube

Where active in the admin panel the "Image or Iframe Method"?

While about the date? I want that see the date in preview and in the video, and i want that i upload a new image, than it position automatically for date.
Example: First Video (31/07/2014) - Second Video (10/07/2014) - Third Video (16/05/2014) - Fourth Video (22/04/2014) ecc.

Re: Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 04 Aug 2014, 23:02
by Jan
Hi, there is only one Phoca Gallery, but different settings - you can set them in Options in administration: ... e-joomla-3

date - this needs to be customized directly in the php code - to load the date from database and display it next to title :idea:


Re: Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 07 Sep 2014, 20:29
by Spains
I'm inexpert. Can you modify my option in Joomla Panel?
I must give you login and password on private message. I want only a video gallery how the link posted before about for customization and options. Then all previews in module center.

Can you help me? :cry:

Re: Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 27 Oct 2014, 14:03
by Spains
Spains wrote:I'm inexpert. Can you modify my option in Joomla Panel?
I must give you login and password on private message. I want only a video gallery how the link posted before about for customization and options. Then all previews in module center.

Can you help me? :cry:
So Jan?

Re: Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 14 Mar 2015, 19:24
by Jan
Hi, I didn't do such customization for now, so unfortunately I cannot give any clue advice there as I don't know it :-(


Re: Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 16:41
by Spains
Jan wrote:Hi, I didn't do such customization for now, so unfortunately I cannot give any clue advice there as I don't know it :-(


Bu sorry, you are the sviluppator of Pocha, so i think that you know how customizazion the templates and codes

Re: Set some paramatres of template

Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 00:51
by Jan
Hi, I know the code which I have coded (not everything in my head as I have coded over 800.000 lines of code) but I don't know customizations I didn't made (as there is infinity count of possible customization which you can do with Phoca extensions, I just don't know the code for customizations they do not exist)

