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not displaying phoca maps in article

Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 00:11
by helene
I am aware that this is an often asked question, - but even though I have read through a lot of post here, I am still unable to make it work.

I have installed the phoca map module, and the phoca map komponent, I have enabled the plugin ... and I still get no map showing in the article after putting in the code (tried different ways of copying, writing myself etc)

Any idea what I am overlooking ???
Thanks for any reply, I know its a nuisance with the same problems over and over, it really should work, but it doesnt..
I have Joomla 1.5 installed, I am using Rhuk_Milkyway template ...

regards helene

Re: not displaying phoca maps in article

Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 14:08
by demeester
Be sure to use the latest version of the plugin : v.1.1.0
to be downloaded on Phoca, I got problems with the older version,and now it works fine...


Re: not displaying phoca maps in article

Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 19:16
by helene
Hi, thanks for answering ...
I have found out that its because I was using FireFox as browser .. It works fine in Internet Explorer...

I found out because I was actually working in FF with tables, and by 'accident' showing someone my page using IE - and no tables showing .. so had to check that out, - and thought I should just try the map in IE ..
No problemos at all ....