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the map is only viewable in the english version of the page

Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 19:13
by cmex
Hallo everybody
I am shure that this topicc is listed somewhere , but i couldnt find it because the amount of words in the failure description is longer than the search box.
I am using Joomla 1.5
My problem is that i had to change my .htaccess for the jc editor and since this time i get this failure from the phoca map:

Warning: require_once(/htdocs/Ghotel/components/com_phocamaps/helpers/route.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /htdocs/Ghotel/plugins/content/phocamaps.php on line 52

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/htdocs/Ghotel/components/com_phocamaps/helpers/route.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5') in /htdocs/Ghotel/plugins/content/phocamaps.php on line 52

I dont know how to fix this because i am new in joomla and .php
The Homepage name is :
It would be nice if i can use the phocamap in this page.
thanks for your help saludos

only the spanish version works

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 22:20
by cmex
The actual website has 2 language version the map is not showing up in the english version,
In the spanish version from the page the map is only viewable with the english text?????
I use joomfish to translate the page but it shows not the spanish version only the english one,
is there a trik somehow or maybe a language add.
It would be nice to get feedback
saludos cmex