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Re: Cant Success While Transfreing Old DB Table

Posted: 21 Jun 2017, 22:05
by c a g a t a y
Dear Jan
Everything went good and I rostered my backup from 2.0.7 to 3.0.6 version
Now another problem.
I am entering new post to PhocaGuestbook from frontend it says SUCCESS POST RESTORED
but it cant be seen in backend in ......administrator/index.php?option=com_phocaguestbook&view=phocaguestbooks
all old posts are there but my newly posted are not?? :x :x

Re: Cant Success While Transfreing Old DB Table

Posted: 21 Jun 2017, 22:30
by c a g a t a y
My new temp posts are in avsr3_phocaguestbook_items table...I can see them in this table
But not in backend or fronted :oops:
Here is the tabel...Yellow ones are newly added by me
The green ones are came with migration
There is a problem with ID number
and also publish status???

Any idea?


Re: Cant Success While Transfreing Old DB Table

Posted: 22 Jun 2017, 23:08
by c a g a t a y
Now, today one more giant step :)))
Solved DB problem (ID number was 0 zero)

Now another problem....Does anyone see Mr. Jan???
Please look images...Yeloow posts added after migration. Their ID is OK i think...
But these 2 posts added at the end of page in frontend....They are in LAST page?
The post's ID in the last page is 3 (comes with migration)
How phoca add 3505 and 3506 ID to the last page??
What is wrong?


Re: Cant Success While Transfreing Old DB Table

Posted: 23 Jun 2017, 16:32
by Benno
have you tried changing the sort order of the Guestbook entries?
backend --> Your menu with item to Phoca Guestbook Component --> Your menu item to Phoca Guestbook Component --> Edit --> Options -->
Order by=
Order direction=

Kind regards,

Re: Cant Success While Transfreing Old DB Table

Posted: 23 Jun 2017, 16:53
by c a g a t a y
Hi Benno
it cant solved problem
Please look image
Yellow ones are last posted
There is no pproblem with ID but there is a problem with LFT RGT

Re: Cant Success While Transfreing Old DB Table

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 14:57
by Jan
How phoca add 3505 and 3506 ID to the last page??
IDs are autoincrement and they are managed by your database, which always add new unique specific ID, so there are no conflicts between IDs. There can be only unique IDs in the system.
