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Re: Content no show in PDF with Article Anywhere (Regular Labs)

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 15:22
by Jan
Hi, I have written it to feature request list to take a look at it. It is not so easy, becasue the content in managed in one content plugin:


So I need to tost if the loops is even possible :idea: - Managing the event in onBeforeDisplayPDFContent to read the article conent and then have another event for system plugin inside content event :idea:


Re: Content no show in PDF with Article Anywhere (Regular Labs)

Posted: 09 Jul 2018, 12:44
by muecke06
Hi Jan,

I think I understand your idea. It might be a solution.
If you've written the code, I'd like to test a fix for PhocaPDF on a trial installation.

Can I help you anyway somehow?
Should I pass your idea to RegularLabs, what do they mean?


Re: Content no show in PDF with Article Anywhere (Regular Labs)

Posted: 09 Jul 2018, 23:20
by Jan

the code changed by system plugin can be set for some variable e.g. this way:

Code: Select all

JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'system' );
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger('onNameOfTheEvent', array(&$text));
But unfortunately, there are two much variables I don't know:

- the system name of the plugin
- the event name which can change the text
- the parameters of the event (if it is set as reference, etc.)

The next problem is, I think is is much more a request on specific modification than core feature (because it handles specific plugin only :-( )
