1. Creating International Support Forums which will be Redirect board to the specific countries. Rules can be discussed after accepting that way, it will not only lower the heat, but and will give you some more free time.
2. Installing a bug tracker, and few selected group of people to check the pseudo bug reports - are they real bugs, or just the damn noobs can't make it. Each of this member will be able to add a sorted clean description of what exactly is the bug report or the future request.
3. Removing Google AdSense from between posts - this is a very heavy load, and u can place them everywhere else on the Joomla site, not on the forums.
4. Adding a 2nd Captcha verification, to see which of this dummies have brain - with questions in English:
What's the color of the sky (catchy question, bcz sky can be and orange, dark, black, gray

Does Chezh Republic is part of EU or not ? (some people don't know)
Which of the following countries is external border of the EU ? a) Chezh, b) Belgium, c)Luxemburg, d) Bulgaria
When you see BSoD - what your will do ? a) reset the system, b) call 911/112, c) call the support from the retailer who sold you the system, d) Kill yourself. e) What the hell is BSoD ?
and such funny and catchy questions.
5. Putting warning and blocking script against Internet Exploder 7 and 8, no Exploder visitors - no problems. Internet exploder 8 opens 64 connections at once to my site (www.cmsbg.info) which have nothing more then 5 components installed and published, not even much content as this site. This is a bit radical, but there is an "Possible IE XSS Attack" and not "Possible FF/Chrome/Safari/Opera XSS Attack".
6. As final step, converting this forum to SMF 2.0, bcz Simple Machines just works, proved as stability and performance, 145,000 posts on over 3500 users, 4ms load time (and our forums are on shared hosting). Answer why Joomla.org uses PHPBB3 - It's simple, bcz SMF is with Open Source license, but is not GPL. For Joomla.org and AllTogether - the most important thing is - everything to be released with GPL license, no matter what advantages and disadvantages gives, but must be under GPL.