Google Adsense Setup - not displaying ads

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Google Adsense Setup - not displaying ads

Post by rstunlimited »

New installation -- latest version

This is the Adsense code that Google says to place between <head> and </head>
<script async src="..."

Phoca Site Plugin does a good job of getting it there.

Now what is supposed to go in the AdSense Code field in Phoca GAE? Your documentation image shows several lines of code, which I have not been able to find on Google. For your reference, I would have included that image if your system allowed for attachments.

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Re: Google Adsense Setup - not displaying ads

Post by Jan »

Hi, I don't exactly understand you question, can you be more specific?

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Re: Google Adsense Setup - not displaying ads

Post by rstunlimited »

Look at the example code on your documentation page -- ... le-adsense.

If that is similar to what is supposed to be in my Adsense Code field, where does it come from? Google only provides
<script async src=""
which I understand goes between <head> and </head>. From your documentation it appears that more specific detail is required.

I hope that clarifies my question.

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Re: Google Adsense Setup - not displaying ads

Post by Jan »

Hi, the code changes in time.

There are many different options, you can only add a code to head tag, e.g. with help of Phoca Site plugin: but you can add the code to some specific place on your site (module position). So such code - to control where the ads will be displayed on your site - then should be pasted to Phoca Google AdSense Easy module code.

It depends on your preferences - both codes - the one used in head or the one used in body of your site you will find in Google AdSense website.

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Re: Google Adsense Setup - not displaying ads

Post by Arhimond »

Thanks for the information
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