PDF (invoice or catalog) not showing image(s)

Phoca Cart - complex e-commerce extension
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Phoca Hero
Phoca Hero
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Re: PDF (invoice or catalog) not showing image(s)

Post by Jan »

Phoca PDF has specific hacks in TCPDF, which try to correct the path, so for example, this tries to correct all the image variant paths in TCPDF:

Code: Select all

// ALL $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] changed to JPATH_ROOT to work correctly in Joomla!
					// 1x changed FROM: K_PATH_MAIN TO: JPATH_ROOT

					///if (($imgsrc[0] === '/') AND !empty($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) AND ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] != '/')) {
					//if (($imgsrc[0] === '/') AND !empty(JPATH_ROOT) AND (JPATH_ROOT != '/')) {

                    if (strpos($imgsrc, 'http') === 0 || strpos($imgsrc, 'https') === 0) {
                        // Don't manipulate full url
                    } else if (!empty(JPATH_ROOT) AND (JPATH_ROOT != '/')) {
						// fix image path
						///$findroot = strpos($imgsrc, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);

						$findroot = strpos($imgsrc, JPATH_ROOT);
						if (($findroot === false) OR ($findroot > 1)) {
							///if (substr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], -1) == '/') {
							if (substr(JPATH_ROOT, -1) == '/') {
								///$imgsrc = substr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 0, -1).$imgsrc;
								$imgsrc = substr(JPATH_ROOT, 0, -1).$imgsrc;
							} else {
								///$imgsrc = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$imgsrc;
								$tmpJb 		= str_replace('/', '\\', JUri::root(true));//JUri::base(true);
								$tmpIp 		= str_replace('/', '\\', $imgsrc);
								$tmpIpWJb	= str_replace($tmpJb, '', $tmpIp);

                                // Is the image path full path?
                                if (JPATH_ROOT != '') {
                                    $ds = '';
                                    $imgsrc = str_replace('\\', '/', $imgsrc);
                                    $firstPos = substr($imgsrc, 0, 1);// start the path with "/"?
                                    if ($firstPos != '/') {
                                        $ds = '/';// If not set the ds (directory separator) between path and image path
                                    $imgsrc = JPATH_ROOT.$ds.$tmpIpWJb;

						$imgsrc = str_replace('\\', '/', $imgsrc);

						$imgsrc = urldecode($imgsrc);
						$testscrtype = @parse_url($imgsrc);
						if (empty($testscrtype['query'])) {
							// convert URL to server path
							///$imgsrc = str_replace(K_PATH_URL, K_PATH_MAIN, $imgsrc);
							$imgsrc = str_replace(K_PATH_URL, JPATH_ROOT, $imgsrc);
						} elseif (preg_match('|^https?://|', $imgsrc) !== 1) {
							// convert URL to server path
							///$imgsrc = str_replace(K_PATH_MAIN, K_PATH_URL, $imgsrc);
							$imgsrc = str_replace(K_PATH_MAIN, JPATH_ROOT, $imgsrc);

                    $imgsrc = str_replace('\\', '/', $imgsrc);
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