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Phoca 3.2.3 - Invalid Category View Image

Posted: 16 May 2013, 16:38
by jkowal

Sorry for my English.
I'm using phoca from some time and like it.
This is my first "contact' with php.

My gallery structure:
------Image 1.1.1
------Image 1.1.2
------Image 1.2.1
------Image 1.2.2
------Image 2.1.1
------Image 2.1.2
------Image 2.2.1
------Image 2.2.2
------Image 3.1.1
------Image 3.1.2
------Image 3.2.1
------Image 3.2.2
------Image 3.3.1
------Image 3.3.2

Phoca uses wrong image for "Categories View" - it is always first image from the last subcategory).
My setting for "Cattegories Image Ordering"=Ordering Ascending

Phoca uses following images for "Categories View" categories on top level:

I analyzed PhocaGalleryImageFront::getRandomImageRecursive function, and I found bug.
Loop "foreach ($subCategories as $subCategory)" should be interrupted when image is found, but isn't because:
1. getRandomImageRecursive sometime returns class with atribute filename and sometime string
- return $image->filename
- return $image
2. condition in loop expects wrong types:
if (isset($image->filename) && $image->filename != '')
- here $image contains string not object

Where can I submit 'code'?

Re: Phoca 3.2.3 - Invalid Category View Image

Posted: 16 May 2013, 16:59
by jkowal
Funcion getRandomImageRecursive
* $extImage - for example Picasa image
* $extImageSize - 1 - small, 2 - medium, 3 - large
* Is called random but the ordering can be set
function getRandomImageRecursive($categoryid, $categoryImageOrdering = '', $extImage = 0, $extImageSize = 1)
$image = PhocaGalleryImageFront::getRandomImageRecursiveInternal($categoryid, $categoryImageOrdering, $extImage, $extImageSize, 0);
if (isset($image))
return $image->filename;
return null;

Re: Phoca 3.2.3 - Invalid Category View Image

Posted: 16 May 2013, 17:01
by jkowal
private function getRandomImageRecursiveInternal($categoryid, $categoryImageOrdering = '', $extImage = 0, $extImageSize = 1, $level = 0)
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
//$image = new stdClass();
// We need to get a list of all subcategories in the given category
if ($categoryImageOrdering['column'] == '')
$imageOrdering = $categoryOrdering = ' ORDER BY RAND()';
// This is special case where we change category to image
$imageOrdering = ' ORDER BY a.'.$categoryImageOrdering['column'] . ' ' .$categoryImageOrdering['sort'];
$categoryOrdering = ' ORDER BY a.'.$categoryImageOrdering['column'] . ' '.$categoryImageOrdering['sort'];

$query = 'SELECT, a.filename, a.exts, a.extm, a.extw, a.exth, a.extid, c.accessuserid as cataccessuserid, c.access as cataccess' .
' FROM #__phocagallery AS a' .
' LEFT JOIN #__phocagallery_categories AS c ON a.catid ='.
' WHERE a.catid = '.(int) $categoryid.
' AND a.published = 1'.
' LIMIT 0,1';
$images = $db->loadObjectList();

// Test the user rights to display random image as category image
$rightDisplay = 1;//default is set to 1 (all users can see the category)

if (isset($images[0]->cataccessuserid) && isset($images[0]->cataccess)) {
$rightDisplay = PhocaGalleryAccess::getUserRight('accessuserid', $images[0]->cataccessuserid, $images[0]->cataccess, $user->authorisedLevels(), $user->get('id', 0), 0);

if ($rightDisplay == 0) {
$images = 0;

if (count($images) == 0) {

// TODO, if we find no image in subcategory we look at its subcategory (subcategory of subcategory)
// no to look if there is some subcategory on the same level
$subCategories = PhocaGalleryImageFront::getRandomCategory($categoryid, $categoryOrdering);

foreach ($subCategories as $subCategory) {
$image = PhocaGalleryImageFront::getRandomImageRecursiveInternal($subCategory->id, $categoryImageOrdering, $extImage, $extImageSize,$level+1);
if (isset($image)){
// external image - e.g. Picasa
if ($extImage == 1)
if ($extImageSize == 2)
if (isset($image->extm) && $image->extm != '') {
} else {
if (isset($image->exts) && $image->exts != '') {
} else
if (isset($image->filename) && $image->filename != '')
$image = $images[0];

return $image;

Re: Phoca 3.2.3 - Invalid Category View Image

Posted: 22 May 2013, 21:34
by Jan
Hi, the returning of string or object is all right (this is needed to differentiate in the recursive function) and at the end it will be counted:

Code: Select all

if(isset($image->filename)) {
				return $image->filename;
			} else {
				return $image;
If there is object, use object, if not (in case there is a string) return string.


Re: Phoca 3.2.3 - Invalid Category View Image

Posted: 24 May 2013, 11:08
by jkowal
Effect is as i wrote.

Real problem is here:
Loop "foreach ($subCategories as $subCategory)" should be interrupted when image is found, but isn't.
Loop is "always" processed until the end, because break expression expects something other than getting.

Re: Phoca 3.2.3 - Invalid Category View Image

Posted: 25 May 2013, 15:59
by Jan
Hi, I will take a closer look to it. The problem is, you are in recursive function so you cannot break the function but return some value :idea: so e.g. the foreach is broken if image found but still you need to return some value.


Re: Phoca 3.2.3 - Invalid Category View Image

Posted: 26 May 2013, 22:32
by jkowal
I'm not php expert. My proposition was to use two functions, one recursive returns object, second string. It's working. Parameter $level is for testing purpose only.

Re: Phoca 3.2.3 - Invalid Category View Image

Posted: 24 Nov 2013, 01:01
by jkowal
I made some changes to selve this problem (for versions 3.2.6 and 4.0.4).
If you interested tell me where send php source.