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illegal string in renderinfo.php line 6

Posted: 12 Aug 2019, 18:36
by sysinfomac
C'est un problème d'initialisation de variables comme dans image.php dont voici la correction trouvée sur un forum et donnée par jen.
$size = array();
/*$size = ' ';*/
la correction sur renderinfo.php est donc la suivante:
$xml_items = array();
/*$xml_items = ' ';*/
c'est quand même une belle erreur pour un développeur expérimenté=> à mettre au compte de l'inattention, un moment d'égarement avec toutes ces lignes de code à gérer

Re: illegal string in renderinfo.php line 6

Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 11:39
by Jan
Hi, which version of Phoca Gallery do you use? Which is the file and line of the problematic code?

Can you paste exact error message here (including file and line where the problem occurs - to do so, you should enable debug mode in Joomla! Global Configuration)

Thank you, Jan

Re: illegal string in renderinfo.php line 6

Posted: 14 Aug 2019, 11:57
by sysinfomac
A priori c'est la version 4.2.2. c'est le fichier administrator\components\com_phocagallery\libraries\phocagallery\render\renderinfo.php dont voici le code:
<?php defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
class PhocaGalleryRenderInfo {
public static function getPhocaIc($output){ $v = PhocaGalleryRenderInfo::getPhocaVersion(); $i = str_replace('.', '',substr($v, 0, 3)); $n = '<p>&nbsp;</p>'; $l = 'h'.'t'.'t'.'p'.':'.'/'.'/'.'w'.'w'.'w'.'.'.'p'.'h'.'o'.'c'.'a'.'.'.'c'.'z'.'/'; $p = 'P'.'h'.'o'.'c'.'a'.' '.'G'.'a'.'l'.'l'.'e'.'r'.'y'; $im = 'i'.'c'.'o'.'n'.'-'.'p'.'h'.'o'.'c'.'a'.'-'.'l'.'o'.'g'.'o'.'-'.'s'.'m'.'a'.'l'.'l'.'.'.'p'.'n'.'g'; $s = 's'.'t'.'y'.'l'.'e'.'='.'"'.'t'.'e'.'x'.'t'.'-'.'d'.'e'.'c'.'o'.'r'.'a'.'t'.'i'.'o'.'n'.':'.'n'.'o'.'n'.'e'.'"'; $b = 't'.'a'.'r'.'g'.'e'.'t'.'='.'"'.'_'.'b'.'l'.'a'.'n'.'k'.'"'; $im2 = 'i'.'c'.'o'.'n'.'-'.'p'.'h'.'o'.'c'.'a'.'-'.'l'.'o'.'g'.'o'.'-'.'s'.'e'.'a'.'l'.'.'.'p'.'n'.'g'; $i = (int)$i * (int)$i; $lg = ''; if ($output != $i) { $lg .= $n; $lg .= '<div style="text-align:center">'; } if ($output == 1) { $lg .= '<a href="'.$l.'" '.$s.' '.$b.' title="'.$p.'">'. JHTML::_('image', 'media/com_phocagallery/images/'.$im, $p). '</a>'; $lg .= ' <a href="" '.$s.' '.$b.' title="'.$p.'">'. $v .'</a>'; } else if ($output == 2 || $output == 3) { $lg .= '<a href="'.$l.'" '.$s.' '.$b.' title="'.$p.'">'. JHTML::_('image', 'media/com_phocagallery/images/'.$im, $p). '</a>'; } else if ($output == 4) { $lg .= ' <a href="'.$l.'" '.$s.' '.$b.' title="'.$p.'">Phoca Gallery</a>'; } else if ($output == 5) { $lg .= ' <a href="'.$l.'" '.$s.' '.$s.' '.$b.' title="'.$p.'">'.$p.' '.$v.'</a>'; } else if ($output == 6) { $lg .= ' <a href="'.$l.'" '.$s.' '.$b.' title="'.$p.'">'. JHTML::_('image', 'media/com_phocagallery/images/'.$im2, $p). '</a>'; } else if ($output == $i) { $lg .= '<!-- <a href="'.$l.'">site: | version: '.$v.'</a> -->'; } else { $lg .= '<a href="'.$l.'" '.$s.' '.$b.' title="'.$p.'">'. JHTML::_('image', 'media/com_phocagallery/images/'.$im, $p). '</a>'; $lg .= ' <a href="" '.$s.' '.$b.' title="'.$p.'">'. $v .'</a>'; } if ($output != $i) { $lg .= '</div>' . $n; } return $lg; }
public static function getPhocaVersion() {
$folder = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR .DS. 'components'.DS.'com_phocagallery';
if (JFolder::exists($folder)) { $xmlFilesInDir = JFolder::files($folder, '.xml$');
} else {
$folder = JPATH_SITE .DS. 'components'.DS.'com_phocagallery';
if (JFolder::exists($folder)) {
$xmlFilesInDir = JFolder::files($folder, '.xml$');
} else {
$xmlFilesInDir = null; }
$xml_items = array();
/*$xml_items = '';*/

if (count($xmlFilesInDir)) {
foreach ($xmlFilesInDir as $xmlfile) {
if ($data = JApplicationHelper::parseXMLInstallFile($folder.DS.$xmlfile))
foreach($data as $key => $value) { $xml_items[$key] = $value; } }
if (isset($xml_items['version']) && $xml_items['version'] != '' ) {
return $xml_items['version'];
} else {
return ''; }

} ?>
c'est le même problème rencotré dans administrator\components\com_phocagallery\libraries\phocagallery\image\image.php ligne 50 ou sur un forum tu as donné la solution que voici $size = array();
Bonne journée et bravo pour le travail accompli

Re: illegal string in renderinfo.php line 6

Posted: 14 Aug 2019, 12:51
by Jan
Hi, you should updated to latest version which is 4.3.18



Re: illegal string in renderinfo.php line 6

Posted: 14 Aug 2019, 15:10
by sysinfomac
ok merci

Re: illegal string in renderinfo.php line 6

Posted: 14 Aug 2019, 15:42
by Jan