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Feature request: a plugin or the ability to display €/kg ratio prices

Posted: 21 Sep 2023, 10:57
by morphinestyle
I ask if the possibility of displaying the price ratio, for example €/kg, could be considered.
It could be a core feature or expandable with a Phoca Cart plugin.

It should be visible in either the product list view or the product view.

Re: Feature request: a plugin or the ability to display €/kg ratio prices

Posted: 22 Sep 2023, 20:48
by Jan
Hi, in product edit, you can set the Size options, where you can define unit amount an unit:



Re: Feature request: a plugin or the ability to display €/kg ratio prices

Posted: 22 Sep 2023, 23:59
by morphinestyle
Hi Jan,
i see but i can't get it works correctly even with a single product.
Does it works also when switch between product attributes? For instance 7kg or 15kg product attributes?

Re: Feature request: a plugin or the ability to display €/kg ratio prices

Posted: 23 Sep 2023, 00:03
by morphinestyle
Maybe useful an option to make a self-automatic-calculation on true final product price instead manual entry of each data for each attribute?

A calculation based on the true-final price (and attribute weight) would consider also: discount, vat/no-vat price for different buyers (private or society), and every other price modifier affects the product price.

Re: Feature request: a plugin or the ability to display €/kg ratio prices

Posted: 23 Sep 2023, 00:18
by Jan
Hi, yes, this unit price only works for whole product and unit amount and unit parameters (not weight)



Re: Feature request: a plugin or the ability to display €/kg ratio prices

Posted: 23 Sep 2023, 10:36
by morphinestyle
Yes Jan, thank you,
i made it working now.

Unfortunately I turned it off because it doesn't consider the weight of product attributes.

(As I previously assumed, considering the weight of the attributes could still not be correct: the weight of the attributes is only used for calculating the shipping, and also considers the packaging which could make the weight of the overall product different from the net weight of the goods... In case of implementation, a specific price/unit item would be needed.)

Re: Feature request: a plugin or the ability to display €/kg ratio prices

Posted: 26 Sep 2023, 23:52
by Jan