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Phoca Gallery Button change

Posted: 27 Jul 2015, 13:29
by Draconferris

I'm using your great plugin on a site, and I need to change something:

If the use the PG Button, in the the code list all of the images. We have TONS of images on the page, so we want, the user see only own images and galleries. We made changes in the ..../components/com_phocagallery/views/phocagallerylinkimg/view.htmpl.php.
The dropdown list is fine with just the users galleries, but the cude still list ALL of the images.
What I need to change to list JUST the user own pictures before he/she click to the dropdown list?

I hope you understand my problem.

Thx, Dracon.

Re: Phoca Gallery Button change

Posted: 29 Jul 2015, 09:13
by Jan
Hi, I think, you need to customize the SQL - to load only images which are assigned to user (not sure which method you are using, if filtering per category)?
Just try to see the user view in frontend and its model, you can see which sql queries and filtering are used for displaying user's categories and images.
