How do I Displaying Facebook album descriptions?

Phoca Gallery - image gallery extension
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How do I Displaying Facebook album descriptions?

Post by ddrjm »

Hey there, I've picked this great plugin mostly for the ability to import stuff from facebook but I'm having a bit of an issue with what I'm getting from facebook
In detail:
When I import a facebook album to phoca Gallery, I see that he fills the category view's photo description with <album_name><Photo_name> and in the detail view, he only shows the <photo_name>. What I would like it to do is have only the photo description appear in both the category view and the detail view.

Any idea how would I achieve that?

P.s: replace <photo_name> and <album_name> with the actual photo and album names.
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Re: How do I Displaying Facebook album descriptions?

Post by Jan »

Hi, while asking a Facebook server for images, it sends back the information about the image. The description is stored in "caption" varible. Caption value is then set for description in Phoca Gallery.

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